Barry Loyalty Pack
Press Release

The Barrel Burner Loyalty Pack On Sale Now!

Loyalty. It’s something I subscribe to and believe in. However, if you cross or disrespect me or my family, my loyalty is gone. We recently teamed up with Small Batch Cigar who has become an advertiser here on The Barrel Burner to create a sampler of cigars I call the loyalty pack. It’s the first 5 pack because there are quite a few people in the cigar industry that I consider to be in my loyalty circle. To those who feel slighted, don’t be. I am sure you will be in pack #2 as there are a few more manufacturers I want to give a victory lap to.

You can buy this loyalty pack at Small Batch Cigar: and be sure to use the coupon code BARRELBURNER for 10% off. (you must be logged into SBC for the code to work)

Nestor Miranda Grand Reserve 2024: A new release from Miami Cigar & Company that I have yet to try. But Miami Cigar & Company helped me take this hobby to a career. I moved to Miami in 2012 on New Year’s Day to work in marketing for them. I was instantly made to feel like part of the family. To this day every time I go to Miami I get together with the VP Jason Wood or the Director of Sales, Hector Paz. They are as close to family as anyone in the cigar industry.

Espinosa La Bomba Atom: I use to play dominoes all the time with his Master Blender, Hector Alfonso who is now retired from Miami PD. Erik Espinosa was also a favorite Dominoes partner of mine. When I left Miami, they were one of the few places I stopped before leaving. Then, when I moved up here, his cigar with a wick would enrage a certain podcaster. That in turn would become a Monday afternoon phone call that would last throughout the commute home. Not to be confused with a cigar with a fuse, this one has a wick, make no doubt about it.

Tatuaje Broadleaf Cojonu 2003: Pete Johnson was one of the first people in the cigar industry who would reach out to me to let me know when he was in town. Over the years, Tatuaje has been in my rotation of cigars that has me sparking up at least a few a week. Right now, the Cojonu 2003 is pure fire. Pete Johnson was one of the first manufacturers I told I would be leaving the industry, how could he not be included in this pack?

RoMa Craft Neanderthal JCF: I go way back with Skip Martin to before I would work in the industry. Back to the days of Twitter when he was known as @ChiefHava. The cigar community once thrived on Twitter and true friendships were formed that led to Cigar Tweetups in the DC Area and in Chattanooga. When I left the cigar industry he and his partner Mike Rosales sent me a bottle of EH Taylor Rye which led to the creation of

HVC Seleccion No. 1 Maduro Poderosos: HVC is a relative newcomer to the cigar industry, but when I left the industry he reached out to me with a box of cigars and wished me success. It was here I realized in my 25 year career how man brands I impacted.

Yes, loyalty is something that is earned, and what does everyone here have in common? Respect. It’s how they’ve treated me, and how I will treat them.

You can buy this loyalty pack at Small Batch Cigar: and be sure to use the coupon code BARRELBURNER for 10% (you must be logged into SBC for the code to work)

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