Recent documents unveiled Topper cigars is the oldest US cigar company and to celebrate their 130th Anniversary the Topper 1894 has been released.
Cigar Review
The Foundation Menelik was an event-only cigar. Then they became limited production. However that production was missing a size that I always thought would be perfect for the cigar. A Corona Gorda. Small Batch Cigar made that size a reality with this Exclusive cigar made specifically for California retailer Maxamar, the parent company of Small Batch.
A 6 1/2” x 58 box pressed Chisel, this beautiful cigar was created to commemorate those 30 Years in the way LFD best knows how. Featuring a dark Ecuadorian Sumatra wrapper, a rare aged Dominican binder from Cotui, and a blend of carefully selected fillers from the farm in La Canela, the smoke is rich and decadent, with a depth of dark flavors, spice, and body that result in an experience unmistakably LFD.
The Davidoff Grand Cru No. 3 is part of a line that at one time defined luxury in the cigar industry. It was also during an era of when Dominican Republic made cigars ruled the cigar industry. However, over time the Dominican Republic lost the strong hold they had on the cigar industry and people began venturing to other tobacco producing nations. Today, Davidoff is probably not the first name you think of when you […]