The Grasshopper by Foundation Cigars was originally launched as an event only cigar. It’s back as a Limited Edition for Small Batch Cigar in 13 count boxes containing 6 San Andres, 6 Candela and 1 Barber Pole cigar of both wrappers.
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In 2023 the Aladino Candela Robusto was launched by JRE Tobacco Co. It was released to 32 stores in a soft launch of 400 boxes total. Fast forward to 2024, JRE Tobacco has released the Aladino Toro version at TPE ’24 in Las Vegas. The cigar industry has embraced candela cigar for a St. Patricks days release over the past 12-15 years. The wrapper once dominated the cigar industry but it has become a novelty […]