Protocol Cyber Crimes Unit
Nicaragua Cigar Review

Cigar Review: Protocol Cyber Crimes Unit Short Chrurchill

My journey to the Protocol Cyber Crimes Unit goes back, way back.

I was still living in Miami when the concept branding for Protocol Cigars was created. Shortly after I moved to New Hampshire and if you’re familiar with that podcast I was on, every year around this time of year the host of the show would go on a tirade about a cigar with a wick at the end. I think the one thing I will miss about the cigar industry is getting a call from my buddy Erik Espinosa and trying to defuse the situation by letting him vent to the point I thought his head would explode, rightfully so, if you ask me.

Now that I am 9 months removed I am finally getting back into cigars, openly smoking certain brands, and, I find myself listening to KMA Radio (Kiss My Ash) hosted by Abe from Smoke Inn and one of his co-hosts is Juan Cancel the founder of Protocol Cigars. Prior to getting into the cigar industry,  Juan Cancel was a member of the Port Authority Police Department as well as New York Police Department. As a result, many of the cigar names tie into law enforcement themes.

Which brings us to today’s cigar; Cyber Crimes Unit which was release back in 2020. At the time, the press release stated the cigar was made “to honor those that protect the world from cyber criminals.”

Cigar Review: Protocol Cyber Crimes Unit
6.5 x 48 (Short Churchill)
Nicaraguan Habano Rosado
La Zona Cigar Factory
Release Date: 
September 2020
Box Count: 

The Cigar: If you took the bands off I think a lot of people would say this was a Rocky Patel. Erik Espinosa was once partners with Eddie Ortega and 601 Cigars was the brainchild of that partnership. They once operated as United Tobacco until 50% was sold to Rocky Patel. Could this all be a coincidence, most likely, but conspiracies are crazy these days. The cigar has two bands, the 3D Protocol logo on the primary and a  thin Cyber Crimes Unit secondary band. The foot has a neon green ribbon that to me makes the cigar look a bit lighter then it is. In the hand the cigar is firm, well packed and of a slightly more than average weight.

The Taste: The cold draw is loaded with raisins, molasses and fudge. It’s one of the best cold draws I have experienced on a cigar and im ready to call it a night right here because I am skeptical the cold draw can be maintained at any level. The foot has some subtle pepper, wood and molasses but it pales in comparison to the cold draw.

One the cigar is cut, toasted and lit the initial notes are a subtle pepper and an abundance of marshmallow fluff. As we settle into the Protocol Cyber Crimes Unit some of the marshmallow sweetness makes it into the first third though it isn’t as easily definable. As we progress the sweetness of that note begins to fade. There are nuances of coffee beans, red black pepper, and toasted oak that created a nice flavor profile that is only medium in body at this point along with the perceived strength.

As we cross into he second third the cigar sees the body increase with notes of fudge and the occasion floral component. Coffee beans remain the focal point with addition notes of earth and red pepper. While the first third didn’t see much on the retrohale the second half sees the addition of brown sugar and black pepper.

As we begin the final third the brown sugar that appeared on the retrohale has now made its way to the palate with some floral notes. As we remove the secondary band leather components begins to intensify with some roasted coffee beans thrown into the mix as well. The retrohale offers an abundance of black pepper after some brown sugar and some marzipan.

Conclusion: I’ve long been a fan of the Espinosa cigar factory and the more I watch KMA Radio I am becoming a fan of Juan Cancel. Protocol Cyber Crimes Unit is medium across the board. It has done enough or me where my interest is piqued to begin a deep dive down the Protocol portfolio. It’s a classic cigar that is box pressed to perfection and something I would definitely reach for often.

Score: 92
Price:  $10.00 (Before any local or state taxes)


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