The Artista cigar company has been growing tobacco and making cigars for three generations in the Dominican Republic. Formerly known as El Artista, the company makes cigars such as Buffalo Ten, Big Papi including the Big Papi Firecracker exclusively for United Cigars. Today, we review which shares the name of their company.
Available as a Connecticut shade known has Harvest and the Maduro, Midnight these cigars are available in two sizes a 5 x 54 and a 6 x 50 with both sizes and blend being box pressed.
Cigar Review: Artista Midnight
Size: Robusto (5 x 54)
Wrapper: Ecuador Habano Maduro
Binder:Ecuadorian Connecticut Shade
Filler: Dominican Republic, Nicaragua & USA
Debut: Introduced 2022 (Shipped 2023)
Box Count: 20
The Cigar: The Artista Midnight band features a large A and stylish tobacco leaves with blue and gold accents. The box pressed cigar features a slight brindl look to it with some average vein structure. Its well packed although it comes off as slightly light. Overall it has a nice presentation and construction.
The Taste: The cold draw is leather with subtle hints of cherry sweetness while the aroma is that of a musty barnyard. After we toast and light the cigar the notes are very leathery with nuances of earth and black coffee.
When it comes to the second and final third not much changes. It’s leather, earth, burnt black coffee and pepper notes. The retrohale is reminiscent of burnt toast, with a hint of orange marmalade but the added depth does little to change the opinion of the cigar.
Conclusion: If you asked me to smoke the Artista Midnight at the same time as the Buffalo Ten Maduro I would be hard pressed to tell them apart other than the size difference. However, this cigar is nearly double the price. It’s a rather mundane cigar that does very little to get me interested. There are many other cigars in the $10 price point that blow this one out of the water. If you want a good representation of what Artista has to offer try Big Papi Firecracker.
Score: 82
Price: $10.20 (Before Local and State Taxes)