Of every cigar we reviewed in 2024, one cigar stood out. Umbagog Bronzeback is our pick for the 2024 Cigar of the Year.
We have often said price does not factor into our review score, but it does play a role in what we choose to smoke. In 2024, cigar prices continued to price out the blue collar cigar smoker. While I haven’t kept a running tally it feels like there were more releases this year over $20 than any other year with some coming in at $100 or more.
When Umbagog Bronzeback was released in April 2024 it bucked the trend of an industry coming in south of $10 ($9.75 before local taxes). Packed in packages of 10, I had asked myself with the current trend is this considered the new bundle cigar. After smoking a few dozen I can tell you this is far from a bundle smoke.
Blended by Steve Saka, owner of Dunbarton Tobacco & Trust the cigar uses a Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper designated as 2LS which comes from a lower part of the stalk than traditional wrapper. The result is a cigar that is advertised as less dark and less sweet than the original Umbagog. However, I will say it is more tasty.
This well balanced cigar features notes of cinnamon to start before developing warm spices, oak and a subtle mocha. It’s wonderfully complex and something I haven’t grown tired of. The price has made it an easy purchase but the taste has made it a must purchase.
Congratulations to the entire team at Steve Saka’s Dunbarton Tobacco & Trust on a well deserved recognition as the 2024 Cigar of the Year.
You can purchase the Top 5 Cigars of 2024 at Small Batch Cigar just follow this link: https://www.smallbatchcigar.com/the-barrel-burner-top-5-of-2024